Inspired by shared meals and stories from the kitchen to the table

At The Seven Pantry, you will find a thoughtful selection of everyday essentials to inspire creativity in your cooking and elevate your at-home dining experience.

Food and Love and Motherhood

Food and Love and Motherhood

Food allows quality time with your children, as well as an outlet to teach and learn — and not always from parent to child.
May 08, 2021 — The Seven Pantry
Tales From the Kitchen: DIY Kits to the Rescue

Tales From the Kitchen: DIY Kits to the Rescue

"It is tiring to cook everyday. It entails so much effort from menu planning, food preparation, cooking and cleaning up after! So the ready-to-cook and ready-to-heat meals from The Seven Pantry really help during days when I don't feel like cooking. In addition, they are also very delicious."

May 04, 2021 — The Seven Pantry
12 Delicious Gifts for Christmas

12 Delicious Gifts for Christmas

There isn't a better gift this Christmas than food: It's practical, it's enjoyable, you can share it with others, and with the items listed below, you can skip the whole wrapping and unwrapping part because they already come in neat and pretty packaging. 
December 11, 2020 — The Seven Pantry