Corn Tortilla Soup

Tortilla Soup


Level of Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: Approx. 30 mins
Serving Size: 4-6 pax

SOUP Base:

  • 4-6 cloves garlic, chopped

  • 1 large white onion, chopped

  • 2 cups chicken soup stock from Old Swiss Inn/ Fearless Apron
  • 4-6 medium tomatoes, chopped in chunks
  • 500g / 1 bottle Nacho King Chunky Salsa
 (Your key ingredient!)
  • 1 cup / 1 can corn kernels (use everything)
  • 1 cup red kidney beans
  • 250g The Ruby Pantry Fussili Semolina (tricolor version!)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

To Finish:

  • @therealnachoking_ph Lightly Salted Tortilla
  • Sour Cream
  • Cheese
  • Cilantro
  • Lime



To Make the Soup:
  1. Sautée chopped garlic (4-6 cloves) and onions in oil (1 medium white, chopped)
  2. Add in the other ingredients: 1 cup chopped tomatoes (in chunks), 1 bottle (500g) Nacho King Chunky Tomato Salsa, and 1.5-2 cups bone broth soup or chicken soup stock, 1 cup corn kernels and 1 cup red kidney beans and and let everything come to a boil
  3. Add in 250g pasta (here I used Fussili Semolina Pasta from Ruby Pantry) cook for about 7 mins
  4. Season with salt and pepper! 

  5. Tip: You may add a bit of sugar (about 1 tsp) if you find this a bit sour - just to balance out the flavors

  1. Transfer your soup in a bowl and top with Lightly Salted Tortilla Chips, add a bit of sour cream or yogurt, and cheese
  2. Garnish with Cilantro
  3. To bring out the extra flavor, squeeze some fresh lime juice before eating!



Blog Entry and Recipe by: The Seven Pantry
Ingredients from The Seven Pantry

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February 28, 2022 — The Seven Pantry

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